Pandanet Go Latin American Team Championship 2025
Costa Rica

1: David Grillot
- Pandanet account: friendly
- Club / city: Playa Hermosa
- Rank: 1 kyu
- Profession: Environmental Consultant
- Year of birth: 1987

2: Juan Alberto Vargas Mesén
- Pandanet account: Leira
- Club / city: Asociación Costarricense de Go
- Rank: 3 kyu
- Profession: Profesor
- Year of birth: 1987

4: Manuel Rodríguez
- Pandanet account: MERFLEZZ
- Club / city: Costa Rica
- Rank: 10 kyu
- Year of birth: 1988
7: Esteban García
- Pandanet account: Zeetle
- Go career: He jugado principalmente con un amigo quien es 17-19 Kyu y me enseñó a jugar el año pasado. Mi rango es probablemente 22-24 Kyu según él me indica. Muy recientemente empecé mis estudios en Go, los cuales consisten de jugar, procurar analizar partidas cada vez que sea posible, hacer ejercicios ocasionalmente en y ver videos sobre algunos josekis básicos. I've mainly played with a friend who is 17-19 Kyu and taught me how to play last year. My range is probably 22-24 Kyu from what he tells me. Very recently I started my studies in Go, which consist of playing, trying to analyze games whenever possible, occasionally doing exercises on and watching videos on some basic josekis.
- Rank: 20 kyu