Pandanet Go Latin American Team Championship 2023

1: Avelio Sepúlveda
- Pandanet account: ave
- Club / city: Santiago/Tengen
- Rank: 4 dan
- Profession: Mathematician
- Year of birth: 1990

2: Matias Navarro
- Pandanet account: lyama
- Club / city: Hoshi no Koen
- Rank: 4 dan
- Year of birth: 1997

3: Renate Reisenegger
- Pandanet account: Tatesin
- Go career: I started playing at the end of 2013. Currently President of Club Tengen de Go in Santiago, Vicepresident of the Chilean Go Federation and member of the Gender Comission of the Iberoamerican Go Federation.
- Club / city: Club Tengen / Santiago
- Rank: 1 kyu
- Profession: Neuroscientist
- Year of birth: 1992

4: Francisco González
- Pandanet account: kamelo
- Go career: I started playing Go around 2010 but focused in improving or playing more seriously since 2018. Chilean representative of the 14th KPMC (2019) and participated in the 3rd LatinAmerican Go Congress (2019) in Brazil. Champion of the 24th Iberoamerican Go Championship (2021) in the LatinAmerican Virtual Go Congress.
- Club / city: Tengen / Santiago
- Rank: 1 dan
- Profession: Math Teacher
- Year of birth: 1989

5: Ignacio Iglesis (Captain)
- Pandanet account: iiglesis
- Rank: 1 kyu
- Profession: Administración
- Year of birth: 1990

6: Thierry Patri
- Pandanet account: Sinclair
- Go career: Started playing around 2003, but stopped once i left for uni. Started playing again more seriously in late 2020.
- Club / city: Santiago
- Rank: 5 kyu
- Profession: it's complicated :)
- Year of birth: 1987

7: Pandora Escobar Nachar
- Pandanet account: Pandora37
- Go career: About 7 months
- Club / city: Santiago
- Rank: 8 kyu
- Profession: Streamer
- Year of birth: 1992