Pandanet Go Latin American Team Championship 2022

1: Hector Paiz
- Pandanet account: Hpaiz27
- Club / city: Go Guatemala
- Rank: 1 dan
- Profession: Eng Civil
- Year of birth: 1953

2: José Romero
- Pandanet account: Googolplex
- Go career: WAGC 2017 Prime Minister Cup 2008, 2010, 2017
- Club / city: Club de Go de Guatemala
- Rank: 7 kyu
- Profession: Mathematician
- Year of birth: 1985

3: Mario Roberto Gómez Flores (Captain)
- Pandanet account: mrgomez
- Go career: KPMC 2012
- Club / city: Club de Go de Guatemala
- Rank: 6 kyu
- Profession: Matemático
- Year of birth: 1993

4: Jorge Emilio Murillo Lux
- Pandanet account: jlux
- Club / city: Guatemala
- Rank: 6 kyu
- Profession: Student
- Year of birth: 1995

5: Carlos Adrián Ramírez Álvarez
- Pandanet account: Cararam11
- Club / city: Guatemala
- Rank: 6 kyu
- Profession: Student
- Year of birth: 1993
6: Lester Guerra
- Pandanet account: Quetzal
- Club / city: Guatemala
- Rank: 6 kyu
- Profession: Técnico en purificación de agua
- Year of birth: 1995

7: Elena Elena Polanco Urruela
- Pandanet account: ElenaPol
- Club / city: Club de Go, Baduk, Weiqi de Guatemla
- Rank: 16 kyu
- Profession: Estudiante
- Year of birth: 2005