Pandanet Go European Team Championship 2024/2025

3: Peter Markó
- Pandanet account: mpepe
- Club / city: Pagoda
- Rank: 5 dan
- Profession: University Student
- Year of birth: 1989

6: Zoltan Fodi
- Pandanet account: fodzol
- Club / city: Origo
- Rank: 3 dan
- Profession: student
- Year of birth: 1987

7: Renátó Tölgyesi
- Pandanet account: Renato92
- Club / city: Budai XI / Budapest
- Rank: 3 dan
- Profession: Student
- Year of birth: 1992

9: György Csizmadia
- Pandanet account: csiz
- Club / city: Budapest
- Rank: 3 dan
- Profession: mathematician
- Year of birth: 1968

10: Barnabás Varga
- Pandanet account: susuvaj
- Go career: I started to play go when even the strongest go playing computer programs could be beaten by a beginner and I had the honour playing games with Pál Erdős, the famous hungarian mathematician who is the godfather of the hungarian go and in this sense the number 1 hungarian go player of ever. I took part in lot of national and internatinal go tournaments among them european go congresses, the first in Coppenhagen in 1981. Playing go is still the fix point of my daily rutin.
- Club / city: Pagoda/Budapest
- Rank: 2 dan
- Profession: software developer (retired)
- Year of birth: 1957

11: Urban-Szalontai Alexandra Eszter
- Pandanet account: maronchan
- Club / city: PaGoda/Budapest
- Rank: 2 dan
- Profession: PhD student
- Year of birth: 1988