Pandanet Go European Team Championship 2012/2013
1: Gavin Rooney
- Pandanet account: Grooney
- Go career: Playing since april 18 2009.
- Rank: 2 dan
- Year of birth: 1989
2: Ian Davis (Captain)
- Pandanet account: hogweed
- Go career: President of IGA 2009-present Irish Champion 2007, 2009 25th place in 2010 KPMC
- Club / city: Belfast
- Rank: 1 dan
- Year of birth: 1978
3: James Hutchinson
- Pandanet account: jameshutch
- Go career: Second place in the 2010 Irish championship
- Club / city: Belfast
- Rank: 1 dan
- Profession: Software engineer
- Year of birth: 1976
4: Colin MacSweeny
- Pandanet account: colinm
- Club / city: Dublin
- Rank: 1 kyu
- Profession: Software Engineer
- Year of birth: 1987
5: Justyna Kleczar
- Pandanet account: ajeczka
- Go career: Committee Member of the Irish Go Association; Captain of the UCC Go Club.
- Club / city: Cork
- Rank: 2 kyu
- Profession: Student
- Year of birth: 1990
6: Rory Wales
- Pandanet account: rorywales
- Club / city: Cork
- Rank: 3 kyu
- Profession: Software
- Year of birth: 1972
7: Eoghan Barry
- Pandanet account: rottenhat
- Go career: Hacking away for the last eight years...still a hack
- Club / city: Collegians
- Rank: 4 kyu
- Profession: Librarian
- Year of birth: 1972
8: John Gibson
- Pandanet account: ishidaogo
- Go career: 36 years; including Hon. Sec. Irish Go Association & EGF. Organizer of 45th EGC in dublin 2001; represented Ireland 5 times in Asia.
- Club / city: Collegians, Dublin
- Rank: 5 kyu
- Profession: Interior Designer
- Year of birth: 1948