Pandanet Go European Team Championship 2022/2023

In-seong Hwang (Trainer)
- Pandanet account: crowis
- Go career: Official Go instructor of Switzerland / France || 2013-2018 #1 on the European rating list. Currently (Sep 2019) 3rd place in Europe. || 1996-2001 Korean Yunguseng(Insei) || 2002-2005 Myoung-ji university Baduk department. Work as a Baduk-TV commentator in Korea || 2005-2006 / 2009-2019 Stayed in Germany, France, Switzerland, and the Netherlands Currently living in Grenoble, France || While staying in Europe, participated in 53 tournaments won 36 times. || Running online Go school 'Yunguseng Dojang'.
- Club / city: Zurich
- Rank: 8 dan
- Profession: International Go instructor from Korea, Baduk TV commentator
- Year of birth: 1982

1: John Walch
- Pandanet account: Ectoplasm
- Go career: I discovered the game 6 years ago. I co-founded a go club at my high-school and the Ishi Go Club at my university. I studied go as insei for 10 months at Nihon Kiin. Swiss champion 2010.
- Club / city: Ishi Go Club
- Rank: 4 dan
- Profession: Student (chemical engineering)
- Year of birth: 1988

2: Armel-David Wolff
- Pandanet account: Lovebach
- Go career: I was born in 1973 and work as a Computer Scientist in the Banking/Financial industry in Geneva and I love Bach. // From 13 to 21 years, I have studied the game of chess. I finished a strong club player but no real ambition on higher levels despite a few successes like a Swiss Team Champion title. I had also a small period where i enjoyed studying the game of bridge with good friends. // At the age of 21, I restarted with the game of go. After a few years of self-study and attending group lessons of wonderful go teachers like Chizu Kobayashi, Li Ang, In-Seong Hwang, I could reach the level of 4 dan but despite their efforts, could not go higher. I would like to thank those teachers a lot, more than skills, they open my eyes on the beauty and philosophy of the game. // I used to be very present in the local clubs, tournaments, Swiss go federation, initiations or teaching leagues, but now i am spending time to study Chinese, practice singing classical pieces and most important, I have just been married, so i would apologize for not being very present those days. // I would like to thank all those making effort to spread this beautiful game and increase the level of Europe.
- Club / city: Ko Go Club (Geneva)
- Rank: 4 dan
- Profession: Computer Scientist
- Year of birth: 1973

4: Flavien Aubelle
- Pandanet account: Flavi
- Go career: Learn when I was 15, in Ko Go Club of Geneva (Switzerland) // Played occasionally since then, and met Chizu Kobayashi 5p who did big effort at this time in Switzerland to promote Go towards young players // With John Walch, I became Insei for one year in Japan thanks to the help of C. Kobayashi // I left as a 2 kyu, and came back in august 2009 as a 1-2 dan // Did not play Go much since then, but hope to find somee time and continue progressing very soon.
- Club / city: Ishi Go Club / EPFL (Lausanne)
- Rank: 2 dan
- Profession: Digital Transformation Consultant & Swiss Go Federation president
- Year of birth: 1988

6: Félicien Mazille
- Pandanet account: dragonrojo
- Go career: I started to play go in 2004. Winner of the Léman tournament 2011 and Swiss representant at WAGC 2012.
- Club / city: Ishi Go Club Lausanne
- Rank: 2 dan
- Profession: Chemist
- Year of birth: 1982
7: Sylvain Praz
- Pandanet account: gasana
- Club / city: Neu
- Rank: 2 dan
- Profession: Student
- Year of birth: 1988
8: Frédéric Schlattner
- Pandanet account: Miloveam
- Go career: French youth champion 2014 (catégorie lycée)
- Club / city: Zürich
- Rank: 1 dan
- Profession: Student
- Year of birth: 1996

9: Guillaume Lob
- Pandanet account: Chachamaru
- Go career: I begin to play around five years ago I won the 17th Active Go Tournament in geneva in 2016 I'm still a student for the moment and i'm 19 years old
- Club / city: Genf
- Rank: 1 dan
- Profession: Student
- Year of birth: 1998

10: Benoît Felix
- Pandanet account: Bawannoboy
- Go career: I started playing go in 2007. I took part in the World Mind Sports Games in Beijing in 2008, in the World Amateur Pairgo Championship in Tokyo in 2011 and went to KPMC in 2011 and 2016.
- Club / city: KoGoClub (Geneva)
- Rank: 1 dan
- Profession: Student
- Year of birth: 1985

11: Roberto Morrison
- Pandanet account: Hikarob
- Go career: Learned the rules in 1989 Represented Switzerland in WAGC 1996 (Omachi, JP) WAGC 2000 (Sendai, JP) OZA 2004 (Amsterdam, NL) WAGC 2005 (Nagoya, JP) KPMC 2008 (Goyang, KR)
- Club / city: Locarno
- Rank: 1 kyu
- Profession: System Engineer
- Year of birth: 1967