Pandanet Go European Team Championship 2010/2011

2: Rob van Zeijst
- Pandanet account: Zaphodius
- Go career: 3 times European Champion. 1 time Dutch Champion. 4 times European Fujitsu tournament winner. Youngest European Champion at the age of 19. Insei for 10 months. Beaten Korean 6p and 7p in official tournaments. Beaten almost all European pros at one time or another.
- Club / city: Apeldoorn
- Rank: 7 dan
- Profession: Technical Translator
- Year of birth: 1961

4: Geert Groenen
- Pandanet account: GGroenen
- Go career: Started playing go in 1986. Second European in the Go Congress in Canterbury 1993. Sixth in the WAGC 2000. Dutch champion 2010.
- Club / city: Den Haag
- Rank: 6 dan
- Profession: Management Controller
- Year of birth: 1968
5: Merlijn Kuin
- Pandanet account: mkuin
- Go career: Learned go at age 15 Several times Dutch champion.
- Club / city: Amstelveen
- Rank: 6 dan
- Profession: R&D Engineer
- Year of birth: 1981

6: Peter Brouwer
- Pandanet account: breeze2
- Club / city: Amsterdam
- Rank: 6 dan
- Profession: Programmer
- Year of birth: 1981

7: Frank Janssen
- Pandanet account: janssensei
- Club / city: Dragon Go Server
- Rank: 6 dan
- Profession: School planner
- Year of birth: 1959

9: Gerald Westhoff
- Pandanet account: jiroo
- Go career: Gerald Westhoff (6-dan) learned Go in 1978 from his brother Arend-Jan Westhoff (4-dan). Gerald Westhoff became the first Dutch youth Go champion. He won EGC main tournaments in Linz and Copenhagen (his brother became second in both). Gerald lived in Japan (and other Asian countries) 1984-1990, studied Go with several Nihon Kiin insei and professionals, and participated in the Gailai tournament of the Nihon Kiin. He became Go champion of Toshima-ku/Tokio and the national highschool teachers during his stay in Japan. He represented Netherlands once at the WAGC. He has been teaching Go to youths and at clubs.
- Club / city: -
- Rank: 6 dan
- Profession: Businessman
- Year of birth: 1964

10: Filip Vander Stappen
- Pandanet account: Mukti
- Club / city: Leiden
- Rank: 5 dan
- Profession: Teacher
- Year of birth: 1968
11: Willemkoen Pomstra
- Pandanet account: pombeest
- Club / city: Arnhem
- Rank: 5 dan
- Profession: Planner
- Year of birth: 1971

12: Alexander Eerbeek
- Pandanet account: Logical
- Club / city: -
- Rank: 5 dan
- Profession: -
- Year of birth: 1992