Pandanet Go European Team Championship 2012/2013
United Kingdom
4: Nick Krempel
- Pandanet account: ndkrempel
- Club / city: London
- Rank: 3 dan
- Profession: Student
- Year of birth: 1984
5: Jon Diamond
- Pandanet account: mumps
- Go career: Learnt 1961 at school. 1 dan in 1965, British Champion 1965-1977 (see finally achieving promotion to 6 dan and best place 3rd in the European Championship. Represented the UK in the 1st World Amateur in 1979 and the 1st World Mind Sports Games in 2008. Founded Cambridge University club in 1965 (see and British Go Journal in 1967, editor until 1972 (see Served on the Council of the British Go Association in the 1960/70s and was elected President in 2009. See
- Rank: 3 dan
- Profession: Retired
- Year of birth: 1947

6: Andrew Simons (Captain)
- Pandanet account: Uberdude
- Go career: Started Summer 2005. Went to China for Go holiday 2007 went from 1d to 3d. Been going downhill since =)
- Club / city: Cambridge
- Rank: 4 dan
- Profession: Computer nerd
- Year of birth: 1985
7: Des Cann
- Pandanet account: Shuko
- Go career: Won many UK tournaments. Represented UK several times in World Amateur Championship.
- Club / city: London
- Rank: 3 dan
- Profession: Computer Consultant
- Year of birth: 1956
- Comment: Won many UK tournaments. Represented UK several times in World Amateur Championship.

8: David Ward
- Pandanet account: Humblepie
- Rank: 2 dan
- Profession: Director of Meriman Ltd
- Year of birth: 1957

10: Martha McGill
- Pandanet account: Cobweb
- Club / city: Edinburgh
- Rank: 1 dan
- Profession: Student
- Year of birth: 1988
11: Henry Clay
- Pandanet account: Llama
- Club / city: No Club
- Rank: 1 kyu
- Profession: Student
- Year of birth: 1993